What is Reiki?

"rei" = spiritually guided "ki" = life force energy

Reiki is an alternative form of healing known as energy work.  People who practice any form of meditation or prayer can attest to the subtle energy they may feel flowing through them.  Ancient knowledge tells of a life force, or Chi that flows through us, and science is now beginning to understand that this force is tangible and indeed does exist. Reiki is similar to Tai Chi, in that it works with the human energy field. Chi and Ki mean the same thing. Feng Shui also works along these same principles.

Our bodies are comprised of physical elements as well as an energy system that allows the life force to flow thru us, allowing us to feel and think.  This energy system, known as chakras, acts as regulators and allows the energy to flow freely through our spiritual, emotional and physical being. There are seven major chakras, starting with our crown, and ending with our tailbones. These are the energy centers we focus on with Reiki. When we have a disease, illness or stress, our chakras become out of balance.  Reiki puts the balance back into the chakras, allowing the body to heal itself.


Stress is one of the main causes of energy to be blocked, causing all sorts of problems from low back pain to headaches. The use of Reiki can greatly increase the body’s ability to deal with stress, helping to prevent and alleviate disease.  The Cleveland Clinic is currently conducting studies on the use of Reiki in dealing with stress, as well as studying the effects of Reiki on prostate cancer. Healing with Reiki involves the practitioner placing hands on the chakras or on the area of discomfort to transmit subtle energy into the affected person’s energy system. The process allows the reduction of stress, allowing the energy balance to be restored. During the treatment, the recipient may feel a lot of comforting heat or a gentle vibration. This makes the recipient feel relaxed and at peace, and it is not uncommon for the person to drift into a meditative state or drift off to “sleep”, waking refreshed and usually pain free.  The full body treatments continue to work on balancing your body for up to a week.  “Spot” treatments have also proven to be successful, but full body treatments are recommended to bring balance to the whole person.

Some of the Many Benefits of Reiki:

Accelerates the healing process

Removes toxins from the body

Helps bring relaxation to promote healing

Increases the flow of energy

Alleviates pain

Brings emotional and spiritual balance

Brings a sense of peace and well being

Assists in tolerating treatments such  as chemotherapy