About Us

Gina Tatsumi - Reiki Master & Owner

As a small child and especially after becoming a Reiki Master, it has become very clear to me that we all have the ability to “tap into” our gifts…gifts of healing, gifts of audio clarity, visions and dreams. We all are truly able to receive messages from guides, Angels, and even people who have “crossed over”. I don’t like call myself psychic, however… My gifts are multidimensional, and at times I am able to tap into many layers at once… Every time I perform Reiki on my clients, I have the ability to use said gifts.

Some of us have accepted and strengthen our gifts in order to help others for the greater good and to help guide us through the most difficult and trying times of our lives. It is in that vein that we offer such services here at The Reiki Room. It has proven to be quite helpful to facilitate healing as well as to help peel away the layers of blockages that sometimes we are unaware are even there. I am also considered to be a medical intuitive, and have also been gifted the ability to remote view situations. I know these gifts may frighten some people, and some folks may think these things come from a place of “darkness’. My gifts and beliefs will not in any way shape or form affect the ability of the Reiki, being of pure love and light, to affect YOUR body’s ability to heal ITSELF with the power of the Reiki, the readings, or whatever you are seeking or need to receive from the ultimate Wisdom of The Universe.

I have seen too many supernatural things to NOT believe that God IS super and natural, and I believe these gifts come from a power of the loving kind, and the loving kind only. I am only the vessel that is being blessed from said being of love and light to allow these gifts to come through. ALL the gifts are from God, not ME.

In addition to my blessed abilities that come during Reiki treatment, I also offer Tarot and Angel Card Readings the Tarot cards I use in my practice are based on traditional Tarot, and then interpreted into Fairy Tale, Myth, and Nature. This allows us the ability to relate to the messages, as well as helps us to remember our readings. The Tarot as well as the Angel card readings I offer have proven to be very accurate as well as insightful. It is of pure heart, love and light that I and all of the people who read at The Reiki Room offer our gifts.